Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Broken Buses and Healing Bodies

Early morning and a quick start. We did not need to pack up everything today since it was left on site. Jumped on the bus after breakfast and worship!

Chimbaroza was clear this morning, so, we all scurried off the bus to take a picture "waving the flag." For all of you non-coug fans that is where you take a picture some place totally awesome waving the WSU Cougar flag. Now you have been educated! Well, as soon as we got back on the bus to head to the clinic, the bus wouldn't start. At least we had a good view of the mountain! We did some briefing for the day and prayed a little... and the bus started!!! YEA!

With everything left from the day before already set up we started clinic early! Today was crazy busy compared to yesterday. I worked in the pharmacy the first part of the day and in the clinic prescribing the second half of the day. It was so interesting and amazing putting all of my pharmacy skills to work. You really have to ask the right questions to get the information that you need. We saw people with all kinds of infections, ruptured ear drums, told a women she was pregnant, and saw a man who was mauled by a bull. I was able to hear the sound of a heart murmer. Swish swish swish swish. It was crazy! This is not like school at all. At the drop of a hat you need to be able to answer any question about any disease state. The nurses are super patient about  letting us look things up. So sweet!

Pharmacy Set Up!

The Waiting Line

Beautiful Woman Waiting For Clinic To Open
In total we saw fifty five people today. It felt like we saw one hundred fifty five.

At dinner tonight, Nancy shared a conversation she had with the pastor of the community we have been in. He had been there for a number of years and was recently driven out of the community. Due to the hard times they have come upon they have pushed God away. This man set up a church in a neighboring community about a forty five minute walk away. Some people from the community we are serving in make the trek to attend church but most do not. He has also set up a cheese factory in our community as well as the one where his church is located. He is planning on also setting up a bakery too! Nancy was telling him that her concern is that the even though we are doing a huge thing for these people, the pills will only last so long and the people will get sick again. She wants to make it clear to the people that the reason we are here is Jesus. That because he loves them we cam to serve them. His response was that the people do know that and because of what we are doing the church is going to make another attempt at establishing in the community. Wow! Doing big thangs!

Gloria our cook at the monastery feeds us too well! We ate until we rolled out of the dining hall. Yum yum yum.

Christ is Life
1 John 5:12

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