Thursday, December 27, 2012


On Christmas day we drove to Spokane and hoped on a plane to Seattle. From Seattle we took a LONG 14 hr flight to Dubai. On that plane ride Jess and I were able to eat three meals, watch 5 movies each, and still have time for a couple naps. We planned to go out after cleaning up a bit sine Dubai is known for its awesomenes. However, once we were all showered.... it was bed time. The next day we hopped on for a short (5hr) plane ride to Nirobi. Once we got through customs there wasnsomeone from th 410 bridge waiting for us. He took us to meet up with thereat of our team.they were all loaded onto a Tony bus when we got there. So, we jumpped on and off we went!!! We drove 2 getting our hotel. The driving was crazy. People and cars driving everywhere. It is so beautiful here yet so sad. Shacks line thestreets and people are trying to sell anything and everything. We are lucky to have what we do back home. Also on the way we saw a couple monkeys, girrafes, and zebras. In my roomihad an encounter with a spider about the size of my psalm. You can imagine how that went... we are staying at a very nice hotel in Lake Naivasha that over looks the lake and the valley. The view is breathtaking Today is our first in the community. I am excited to see what God has in store for me and for the rest of the team!!!

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