Friday, July 27, 2018

Clinic Day 4 - Tibal Ichbamba Community

Today we held clinic in a new village. The community of Tibal Ichubamba. This community is only an hour from the One Heart Center. Makes for a quick trip!

This is the first time our medical team has been to this village. I had no idea what to expect. It turned out to be perfect! We have one big building for all of  our clinics. It is so nice having everything in one spot. We saw over 100 patients today!

At our debrief tonight every English speaking person on our team shared something form our time together. It is an awesome set up.

As we were wrapping up clinic for the day I was wipping my hands with a wet wipe. A little girl was watching. Her face and hands were so dirty.  I called her over and cleaned her face and hands. It was such a special moment. I spent so much time before the trip packing, repacking. Stressing about things that were not going to make it into the bags. Then, with a single wet wipe, I have such an amazing moment with this girl. There were no translators around, so we had no way to communicate.  Even without understanding eachother it was so special.

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